Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Broken and Beautiful 3

Well, its that time again when all the college students begin to cram and stress...FINALS!! and I am no different. So I really needed a few more shots to complete my independent study "broken and beautiful" which you all have seen me posting. I was at a loss for a female model so I decided to just use myself for this one, I packed up my tripod, and gave my boyfriend some serious puppy eyes for an extra set of hands and it was off to some locations. I brought Kyle along because I was wearing heals, and usually I just set a timer and run into the shot, but I didn't want to end the day with a broken ankle so basically I got it all set up to my liking, took some test shots and said "okay push the button" So heres the final additions to my Broken and Beautiful project, although I think I'm going to continue it for next years shows with some new photos from over the summer. ENJOY! :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Kayla and Scott Pregnancy

This was my first maternity shoot and I was lucky enough for it to be with my good friend Kayla. She was about 34 weeks and is due any time now!! I had a lot of fun working with her and Scott, they were very open to my experimenting and ideas. The only things they absolutely had to have was some shots with their other two loves....Scott's dirt bikes, and Kayla's horse. I am really happy with the way these photos came out and look forward to photographing the little bundle of joy....(oh yeah, did I mention the sex of the baby is a surprise?? Can't wait to find out!!)